Woodland Resources

Woodland Management Services

In order to obtain/maintain global standards now and into the future it is important that woodlot owners in our area consider working with Bauman Sawmill to ensure that southern Ontario woodlots are managed to those standards. We provide Forest Management Services in southern Ontario that includes:

  • Selective tree marking using Good Forestry Practices
  • Management Planning
  • Advice to woodlot owners to help them do their own management


Good Forestry Practices

Example of Sugar Maple Management. Marked tree is beside an opening made ten years ago. Considerable Maple regeneration has since grown in opening. Carpet of Maple seedlings is in shade in foreground. Removing this tree will let in more light and seedlings will grow like regeneration did after last cut. Tree to left will be ready for next cut in ten years. Thinning will be done naturally. Strongest will survive. Pattern was repeated through woodlot.


Standing Timber & Logs

Quality Hardwood Standing Timber and Logs sourced within Ontario. We have a broad customer base allowing us to offer full service operation in marketing veneer logs and saw logs. Producing approx. 20,000 bf per day of quality green hardwood lumber.


Firewood & Byproducts

We sell on a first come first serve basis, blocks of sawn timber cut backs, that air dry in our yard. We also take orders for full truckloads of hardwood firewood logs to be delivered to your location.

Sawdust, Chips & Bark are produced on a regular basis.